Our new APP is born to navigate Lake Como safely
Dear customers, as you know AC BOAT is always working to make your experience on Lake Como safe and unforgettable.
For years all our vehicles have been equipped with a sophisticated GPS control system for tracking in the water. A way to make finding them immediate in case of need and difficulty.
From this year our service will further improve with the help of our new SMARTPHONE “AC BOAT Lake Como Utiliy App“, an innovative, simple and smartphone-friendly tool that will allow you to:
- Communicate directly with our operations office in case of any need
- Receive real-time notifications about adverse weather events that require returning to port
- Have your own geolocation point on the lake
- Intuitively view directly on the map the shallows present in the lake and the areas where navigation is prohibited.
- Have “geolocalized” information about the mooring points on Lake Como
- Have “geolocalized” information about bars, restaurants and points of interest on the lake.
- Have audio and video tourist information on the main villas in our area
And much more…
In short, a tool available free of charge to each of our customers that will make navigating Lake Como with AC BOAT even more unique.
Download it now! It is available for both IOS and ANDROID devices!